sour ginger drink

 In today's activity Muhammad Farys wants to share tips and easy ways to make traditional drinks.


- turmeric         - glass

- tamarind       - spoon

- water              - bowl 

- honey             - grater


There are several stages in the making 

The first step is to wash the materials to be used.

The second stage is grated turmeric, grated turmeric until it runs out.

The third stage, after all the turmeric is grated, then the grated product is given 50 ml of water then put into a filter and squeezed.

The fourth stage, after the turmeric water is finished, don't forget to heat it, it aims to eliminate the bacteria in the drink.

All stages have been completed now enjoy fresh tamarind turmeric. To make it taste more delicious, you can add honey, don't add sugar because it can eliminate the original taste of the drink.

For more details on how to make sour turmeric drink, see the video below !!


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